Amina Hocine

On Sunday, September 29th, 15.30,
at Salon de IJzerstaven,
Bickersgracht 10, Amsterdam.

“One of my earliest memories of sound was when I was in kindergarten. I was (...) four or five years old and alone on a swing, and Hesa Fredrik (the name of the emergency siren of Sweden) came on. I had a profound feeling of loneliness and I remember feeling as if I were stuck in that swing” (edited excerpt from an interview by SHAPE Platform). Ignited in this juvenile memory, Amina Hocine embarked on a quest to find control of these imposing vibrations. During her studies at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm, the composer and instrument creator developed The Instrument: an organ, tuned in meantone temperament, and constructed out of PVC-pipes, various HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) components and 3D printed parts. The beating heart of it all, pumping Hocine’s creation full of life; a 90 liter air compressor. Sweeps of air translate to droney blankets of sound with “distinct and interactive psychoacoustic effects”. On the Sunday afternoon of September 29th, we will present a ‘90 liter’ live performance of Amina Hocine on The Instrument (The Small)—a version of her creation which consists of two wooden towers, plus ten pipes distributed across the venue.

Amina Hocine - The Instrument (The Small)